- 1.0ʺ, 1.5ʺ & 2.0ʺ spacer strips manufactured for superior ACFoam® CrossVent® performance
- 6000 PSF compressive resistance
- Unlimited fastening support along 48ʺ dimension
- Engineered for maximum net free area
- Superior dimensional stability
- Contains no VOCs or chemical preservatives
- Moisture, mold and rot resistant
- Recyclable

- Have been tested by a 3rd party testing laboratory
- Have been verified by a 3rd party engineering firm
- Meet FM 1-60, 1-75, 1-90 & 1-105 windstorm classifications
- Accomodate FM 1-29 prescriptive enhancement options for corners with one fastener per sq. ft. (min. 32 fasteners per 4ʹ × 8ʹ board)
- Can meet ASCE 7-10 requirements

- Continuous fastening support 24ʺ on center
- Engineered to deliver industry leading support of the Atlas ACFoam® CrossVent® wood layer
- Increased surface area ensures that the EPS vent strip remains securely bonded to the wood layer and polyiso layer from manufacture through installation